Welcome to Caribbean Scientific

Growth and evolution are a natural part of our success. After two decades of responsibly providing exceptional sales and service to the scientific community, FIS-VCI embraces a new identity that will help us better connect with our customers and potential business partners.

Caribbean Scientific is our new brand name. We are confident that it will become a top-of-mind trademark, not only because it describes what we do but because it reaffirms our geographic coverage. We are the same family-owned business committed to building partnerships with customers based on excellence and trust. Our new identity will serve as a turning point to allow further growth.



We are focused on investing in new technologies, including a new website and an identity that will better explain who we are, what we do, and where we do business.



Caribbean Scientific conveys our commitment to development, setting our goals to continue to provide the same exceptional services we deliver to the scientific community in Puerto Rico while expanding to the rest of the Caribbean.
We are also thrilled to present our new logo, developed to illustrate the bond between the scientific communities. We are the center that provides the expertise, lessons learned, and access to technology that drives progress as we distribute our knowledge between customers; we are the bond that drives it forward.

Let’s partner together and sail science forward.


Getting the right Ultra Low Temperature Freezer


It is not too often an Ultra-Low freezer is acquired; usually, robust, durable equipment is currently still in service. However, we still see units that have been in operation for over 20 years operating strongly, suggesting they want to go 20 more! Though pretty unlikely, the technology in Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers has been updated significantly in the past couple of years. Therefore, we wanted to give you a guideline of what information you should go through to get the correct freezer for you. Once you read click the link to see our offering.



To start with any storage solution, you primarily need to consider the volume you will need, which would translate to the number of items you will be storing. Therefore, the storage volume is usually the best starting point when requesting a freezer, then depending on the amount of footprint you have to place the freezer, you will have to choose between an upright or chest freezer. Although more efficient and durable, a chest freezer has size constraints by taking away a lot of real estate; it would be difficult to accommodate in highly space-constrained labs. Therefore, it is more common for an upright to be selected, as they usually have cleaner, sleeker designs to fit inside the lab.



Environmental Monitoring – Compressed Gas Systems

A big question we get about air sampling compressed air is how to perform it appropriately. First, it is crucial to ensure that the gasses used in your manufacturing processes are not contaminating your product. Two factors you need to control when monitoring compressed gasses, velocity, and volume.  Ensuring these you managed these two factors, you will acquire the desired result from sampling.

First, let’s explain particle velocity, monitoring for viable and non-viable particles; the particle velocity can impact your sample in different ways. The non-viable particle counters use an electrical response to calculate particle size; this is a function of flow and area to get a controlled velocity. If particles flow much faster through the sensor, they will read a much smaller particle size than the particle. The quicker speed will cause the undesired result of having larger particles in your compressed gas, and you are unaware. For the viable particle counter,  the impact velocity of your particle to your media is your primary concern. Higher speeds may kill your organism upon impact to your agar plate, hence not having the desired recovery from your monitoring.

The problems generated from velocity cause the worst-case scenario, not finding the contamination in the source and finding it later in your product testing. This contamination will cause two undesired situations: the waste of your product and the cost of the investigation to determine where the contamination is occurring in your process. These problems come with a price that labs can significantly avoid.